January 2020

#9 and #7: The Gentlemen This was my very first film of 2020. The trailers seemed very cheesy and uninteresting. This was immensely boring. The dry humour/long awkward pauses weren't funny. The actions were okay at best. I found the movie to be very long and drawn out. *3 weeks and 1 rewatch later* I chose to rewatch this instead of watching The Turning as I wanted to see if the film was indeed terrible or it was just based on how I felt that day I first watched. I can safely say that it was far more enjoyable on a second watch. Knowing how things played out definetley helped the jokes and punchlines land. Upon the second viewing, I did grow an appreciation for the set design. Loved Raymond's house, it was like something from an Ikea advert. All actor's performances were great, Matthew McConaughey, Charlie Hunnam and Michelle Dockery especially. First watch: 4/10 Second watch: 6/10 #8: Bombshell I was mainly interested in this because of Mar...