Casting Sony's Sinister Six

I recently re-watched The Amazing Spider-Man 2 as it was the 6 year anniversary of the UK release on April 16th(Saw it on the day). I still enjoy it to this day, no matter the flaws. It's a visually stunning film with CGI that still after 6 YEARS, hasn't been topped. Even after Marvel Studios acquired the rights back in 2015. One of the things that breaks my heart everytime I watch it, besides Andrew Garfield's performance during Gwen's death, is the setting-up of The Sinister Six at the end as well as hinting at them during the credits. With the anniversary of TASM 2 a week ago, what better occasion to fancast what could've been than right now. This "casting..." didn't take that long to do. Picked the actors and done the edits within probably 2 hours. Compared to The Avengers re-casting (Which you can check out, here ) from 2 weeks ago which took a few days, that's an incredibly short time. Since Green Goblin an...