Casting: Disney+ Star Wars shows/films

Disney made an announcement a couple weeks ago at the their Investors Day event, showcasing the upcoming MARVEL, Disney, Star Wars and Pixar films and shows. A couple weeks after that, I decided to predict castings for future Star Wars projects and which upcoming show they could appear on. 5 characters, 3 male, 2 female: Michael Sheen as young Palpatine A show giving a visual re-telling to the chilling 'Darth Plaguis The Wise' monologue from Revenge of The Sith would honestly be really great and with the critical success of Michael Sheen's performance as Chris Tarrant in the ITV Drama 'Quiz' I think he would be good choice to play a younger, less powerful Palpatine. Guy Henry as Grand Admiral Thrawn Guy Henry has already been apart of the Star Wars universe as he provided the face motion capture and voice of Tarkin in 2016's Rogue One. I chose him because he pulls off the calm but intimidating, self-assured nature of the the I...