July 2021

All films I saw in the cinema for the month of July 2021, ranked from worst to best. (SPOILER WARNING FOR ALL FILMS PICTURED) #9: OLD The only M.Night Shymalan films I've saw are from the 'Eastrail 177 trilogy', that ofcourse being 'Unbreakable', 'Split' and 'Glass'. Love all 3 of them films. I know he hasn't had clean sweep of great films, 'The Last Air Bender' and 'Lady In The Water' come to mind of ones that the large majority of viewers did not like. From the all trailers and advertisements, Old seemed really interesting. A story about a group of people who are on a mysterious and frightening island, trying to uncover secrets and meanings behind it before they quickly "grow old". * Man, I went into this thinking Old would have potential of being good. Poorly acted, directed, written, everything. The characters felt like they were written like dumbasses. When one failed to get through the cave ...