November 2022

All movies I saw in the cinema for first time during the month of November 2022 ranked from worst to best. (SPOILER WARNING FOR ALL 3 FILMS PICTURED ABOVE) #3. Prey For The Devil I first heard about this at my Superscreen screening of 'NOPE' back in August and dreaded watching it after all the negative reviews came out, which is why I've left until post-October to see it. I guess the only thing about the film that drawn me to it was the lead star, Jacqueline Byers. Everything else about the film look generic and horror-cliche. * 'Prey For The Devil' was mediocre at best. Performances-wise, Jacqueline Byers and Colin Salmon definitely carried the film, for me anyway. I also thought the film itself was shot pretty okay too, nothing groundbreaking or hauntingly beautiful. Out of the dozens of predictable jumpscares, I only jumped at one, the being in the mortuary scene. While I was bored for somewhat most of the film, it definitely needed an extra 30 or so ...