Casting: Marvel's Fantastic Four (Part 2)

Hello and welcome to part two of Casting: Marvel's Fantastic Four.

In this post, I will be showcasing my picks for the Fantastic Four's main rogues gallery, that ofcourse being Silver Surfer, Doctor Doom and Galactus.

Without further adieu, here are my casting choices:

Billy Crudup as Silver Surfer
Billy previously portrayed Dr. Manhattan in Zack Snyder's Watchmen(one of my all time favourite super hero movies) which inspired me to pick him.

Adrien Brody as Victor Von Doom
Casting Edward Norton as Reed Richards inspired this choice.

Laurence Fishburne or James Earl Jones as the voice of Galactus
Laurence originally voiced Silver Surfer in the 2007 Fantastic Four film.

James voiced Darth Vader in the original Star Wars trilogy and Rogue One.

I'd be happy with either of them voicing Galactus. 
