October 2021

All movies I saw in the cinema for first time during the month of October 2021 ranked from best to worst. Yet another 6 films instead of 9. (SPOILER WARNING FOR A FILMS PICTURED ABOVED!) #6: Addams Family 2 I didn't like the 2019 film. Found it to be very bland and had horrendous CGI, especially compared to what came out around that time too (Toy Story 4, Frozen II, Secret Life of Pets 2 and I'd even argue the sequel to Angry Birds) It shouldn't have gotten a theatrical release. I also thought it didn't warrant a sequel. The only thing I honestly liked from the original film from 2 years ago was when Lurch played the theme to 'Mr. Rogers' Neighbourhood'. * Man, this was quite boring. It seems to think "loud and obnoxious equals funny", which it literally doesn't in some instances. I only laughed at the "He gave me the finger." joke, everything else was unfunny. Absolutely cringed at the 'social distancing...