September 2022

All movies I saw in the cinema for first time during the month of September 2022 ranked from worst to best. (SPOILER WARNING FOR ALL 4 FILMS PICTURED ABOVE) #4: Ticket To Paradise I literally only wanted to see this because of Billie Lourd, everything else about it did not interest me at all (Clooney, Roberts, a "trying to stop a wedding story", etc). * Man, I was insanely glad Billie was in the film for more than 5 scenes because I would've been far more bored than I already was. She truly was the saving grace of the entire dull and unfunny 91+ minute runtime. 4/10 #3: Don't Worry Darling My final cinema trip of September 2022. This was one of my most anticipated films of 2022 up until a couple of weeks ago when all the behind the scenes controversy came to light and the Venice Film Festival fiasco. Even when it was anticipated, I just wanted to see it for Florence Pugh. Now, I'm ONLY doing it for her. * This movie was certainly "a movie". ...